How Heavenly Can It Be If It's Killing You?
The Anu Essentials brand of products makes every effort to only include top-quality natural ingredients. While we have had both naturally and synthetically scented products in our line, I am steadily moving towards naturally scented products only for Anu Essentials. I understand that some of our clients are not on board with the demise of synthetic scented products in our product line. Please accept my apology for using synthetic fragrances in any of our products to begin with. Understand that my decision is made with your overall and long-term health in mind. Think about it, how ‘heavenly’ can it be, if it’s killing you? That being said, if you feel you simply must have Heavenly, you might consider checking out the original. It’s called Angel perfume. But I highly recommend you first read 'Angel Perfume is Dangerous' before purchasing it.
Here’s my thinking: When we get up in the morning, most of us don’t just roll out of bed and onto the street. For many of us there are any number of grooming rituals we partake in every day and these include many products. The list begins with toothpaste, then soap, body moisturizer – some type of lotion, cream, or butter. Then we have deodorant, hair products, shampoo, conditioner, hair oils, gels etc. Then, to top it all off, we may put on some type of perfume or cologne. Whewww! Not to mention make up…If you add up all the above products and then multiply them by a minimum of 10 synthetic ingredients, you have hundreds of synthetic carcinogens that you’re introducing to your skin and internal system every day. But in today’s world, we can easily find all of the above products made from all-natural ingredients. Yes, they do cost more, but either you pay now or you pay later with the demise of your health. And I’m not even going to get started with household cleaning products…
All those synthetically produced products are bought inexpensively from your local ‘drug’ store. The reason they are inexpensive is because it costs little to nothing to produce them. Many synthetic products are by-products of other chemicals, like Petrol a.k.a. ‘petroleum’ or ‘gasoline.’ Remember petroleum jelly and how most black families had a huge jar of this cheap item to slather all over both the adults and the children? Well, when you know better, you do better!As we all have been taught in biology, the skin is our largest organ and as such, is the gateway to our internal system and our organs. What we put on our skin (and scalp) seeps into our bloodstream. If these items are synthetic they wreak havoc with the organs that filter out poisons /toxins, such as our lymph system, kidneys and liver. Every time we expose your bodies to synthetic chemicals (products) we are putting stress and strain on these precious organs, none of which we can afford to tax. They are taxed enough just from our breathing toxic air and eating chemically tainted food. Both cheap and expensive synthetic products introduce carcinogens in our body-systems daily. And we wonder why there’s no ‘known’ cure for cancer!
On the flipside, natural products, particularly those that include botanical ingredients such as herbs in all their various forms (oils, infusions, barks, resins, flowers, and leaves) are the best products for all of us. These are gifts provided in nature by the Creator and as such, they share our DNA. They don’t tax our systems, but work in harmony with us and provide healing, cell-recognition, repair and rejuvenation.The same is true of natural perfumery. There is a large movement, not only in America, but globally, turning towards all things natural, including perfumery. Most commercial perfumes all full of synthetic materials that make up the smell of the perfume, allowing the perfume to last all day and night and to be smelled from several feet away. These scents can even last for several days if you don’t wash them off.Many people are now finding that they are allergic to synthetic perfumes, even when they, themselves, aren’t wearing them. Just being enclosed in a space (work, church, or an elevator) with someone wearing commercial perfumes has a hazardous effect on some, triggering coughing, breathing difficulty and asthma attacks.
Many institutions of consciousness and health, and even some businesses, don’t allow people to wear perfume. When I was training to become a yoga instructor we could not wear perfume to class because of the increasing numbers of people who have allergic reactions. Synthetic perfume is toxic and those who have respiratory deficiencies can’t breath when they are around it.Most of us are going natural or are natural, with our hair, our diet and lifestyles. Today people are living much longer than ever, but quality of life is important too. Who wants to be sick, especially if they can avoid intoxicating themselves with synthetic materials?! Consider the number of products you’re using every day and try to get rid of the ones that do not belong in your life. In this way you can play an active and preventive role in your health and the health of your family.
At Anu Essentials we want you to live long and be healthy.
Anu Essentials
Smell Good * Feel Good * Look Good