Sita Perfume
My Sita Perfume is an exotic, spicy blend of some of the worlds most incredible essences. Created as an ode to the Venusian Goddesses Het Heru and Oshun, it speaks of a time in a woman's life when she is in her fullness. Like a fully grown woman who has lived some life, Sita is layered, complex, beautiful and mysterious.Initially I had a difficult time finding a name that suited this perfume. Many of the essences hail from India, such as sandalwood, coriander, cardamon and jasmine just to name a few. I have long had an appreciation of Indian culture through my exposure to yoga when I was in my twenties. So in the end the name Sita turned out to be the perfect moniker for this unique fragrance. Sita is a woman who has finally found herself and realizes her worth. Other essences include, Indonesian patchouli, a exceptional Bulgarian rose, coffee C2O, with sparkling pinks at the top, pink peppercorn and pink grapefruit.
I recently had an experience in which I was walking down the street headed to a store. A woman enters the store, looks me dead in my face (all the while smiling) and says, "I know it's you, I know it's you". I stood there wondering what in the world is she talking about? She said, "I know it's you that's wearing that perfume". At that point I had to chuckle. I said, yes, it's probably me. She wanted to know what I was wearing. I informed her it was my own perfume called Sita. She shared that she was headed to an appointment and running late, but that she would come back to the salon afterwards and purchase the perfume. And indeed she did.A couple of interesting things happened around the name Sita. I have a friend Sujatha; I told her I had made a perfume and that I wanted her opinion on since it was Indian inspired. When I mentioned that the perfume is called Sita, imagine my surprise when she informed me that her mother's name was Sita. Wow! Then I met a fellow billiards player who one day asked what I was wearing. When I told him it was called Sita, he told me I had to watch the movie called Sita Sings The Blues. I did and I fell in love with the film and its story, an amazing folklore than has been made into a musical animation. The film maker, Nina Paley has had threats to her life because of her modern rendition of this ancient Hindu epic.So as you can well see, Sita is very special to me. I created it for that person who is drawn to unique experiences. All of my perfumes are hand crafted in same batches to ensure quality. The finest quality of essential oils, balsams and absolutes are used to make them an exceptional bespoke, artisanal experience.