A Sacred Time
It’s the holy season, the season of Lights. In every culture Light is symbolic of the Divine Light, that Light that is within us all that reflects our highest nature.
On this first day of the Winter Solstice, I would like to remind you of the spiritual power that is available to us at this time. As Astrologer,
so aptly put it, “The ancient people understood that the veil between ourselves and the subtle realms thinned and they were more easily able to access information during solstice and equinox time. That is why they held ceremonies at that time.”
That is to say, if you tap into yourself via contemplation, prayer, meditation, during this time, you can download information, insight, and knowledge more easily during these most auspicious days.
As we move into this a new decade the stars are aligning in such a way that tremendous changes are on the horizon for us personally, and for the world.
It’s a most auspicious time to go within during the 21
- 24th of December.However, due to modern living most of us are unaware that it’s a time to be quiet to go within with intention. Instead, most people are more externalized and scattered than ever, running around getting last minutes gifts, partying, imbibing substances that cloud clarity, when it's a time to be centered.
Use our Spiritual Spritzers to help you shift your consciousness and to quickly change the molecules in your space.
Cleanse, Clear, Purify
We can plan ahead in the future to be complete with all of that so that we are ready to be quieter during these sacred days. Following this Winter Solstice there will be a Solar Eclipse the day after Christmas, on the New Moon.
Energetically there is so much going on, a tremendous surge of energy and power that we can tap into even if it’s just for a hour or a half hour each morning and or evening during this time. Get quiet, get centered, cleanse clear and purify your home, your thoughts, and be intentional about the company you keep, the thoughts you entertain, the activities you partake in, and what you want to see manifesting in your life in the upcoming year. Cleanse, clear, and purify with our
Saturn Pluto Conjunction
The influence of this conjunction is so powerful that I highly recommend listening it this informative video about this unique occurrence. This astrologer mistakenly mentions that she is taping the video on December 3, 2018, but it is clear that she meant to say 2019. Other than that, what an eye-opener. Listen, learn, and be inspired.
It's Not Too Late
The holy season has begun, but it's not to late to order sacred resins, burners, charcoal, and tongs for yourself or as a gift for a loved one. These resins are as ancient as the planet itself and have a healing effect on you and your environment, cleansing, clearing, purifying and perfuming. Ready yourself for the new year. Gifts that were given to the baby Jesus are available to you all year round at Anu Essentials
Music Corner
Aykanna ~ The Light of My Soul
During this special time, it is a wonderful time to have the right thoughts and messages about yourself and the world entering your consciousness. You can do this with sacred music no matter where it's from, whether it's gospel, chorals, mantras, listen to and or read uplifting content.
I am enchanted by the music of musical due Aykanna. To set the mood, take a listen to
Happy Winter Solstice